Taking a moment before I go to bed and red my lovely Irish History book...
Two months later and I am still a hopeless romantic- Hopelessly Devoted to You... thank you Grease. I still believe that my ex and I will get back together. Maybe because I am a ball full of optimism, and I believe that things will work out for the best. Not to be creepy or crazy sounding, but have you every felt that your past relatives visits you from time to time? I have two that comes to me- my brother and my cousin. My brother Angel was the oldest of my Garcia clan. He died when I was seven from a asthma attack that turned into cardiac arrest. He was about 25 years of age when he passed. I feel that he is with me constantly. Especially when I am in deep anguish and crying relentlessly. When I was small child he would come to visit me and play with me. I would go to his house from time to time to play with him and my neices and nephew (his children). He used to spoil me rotten because I was his baby sister. When I broke up with my ex about two months ago I remember one day I was crying on my bed for a few hours when all of a sudden I felt a hand on my back. The hand was on the middle of my back. When I felt that I stopped crying right away. I sat up looking around to see if someone had came into the room, but I couldn't hear because I was crying so much. When I sat up I saw nothing, but I heard someone whisper in my ear in a male's voice... something close to my father's voice... that everything is going to be alright. You are crying now, but soon he will be back and it will be better than ever. The cynincal would say it is probably your subconscience mind making yourself feel better by being optimistic. I am pretty sure throughout my tough situations my brother is there guiding me. If Angel (ha very ironic) was alive today he would have been close to 40. I probably would have been going to him for wisdom anyways. With the whole situation with the girl he told me that will be alright as well. She would come back to me, BUT do not accept her into my life. He told me she isn't good for me at all. He said I can keep contact, but keep it that way until she shows that she is worthy of being a good friend.
Over the summer I had a scare. I found my lump in my lower region as I was showering one day. I was very very scared and I had no idea what to do. At first I did not tell anyone because I was in so much fear. I remember laying in bed one day and again I felt the hand on my back. Again I sat up looked around thinking I fell asleep and my mom was trying to wake me up because she needed something from me. I looked around and nothing. Then the voice started talking. It was my cousin Cecelia. My cousin Cecelia died 2 years ago this summer. She had pancreatic cancer and she left behind her husband, and 2 daughters. One of the daughters is my godsister. She told me not to worry. I simply have a small hair bump or cysts and I will be totally fine. So said so done. I went to the doctor that week, and I did just have a hair bump underneath my skin. I still had fear that it was something serious, I even spoke to one 0f my friends about it. I believe I had the fear because I doubted the fact that I heard my cousin. I remember earlier this year I told that girl about people coming to me, but again I doubted them.
Just this past week I was the stagehand for my school's production of "The Crucible." During one of the shows we were talking about our encounters with Angels, spirits, and ghosts... well they fall into the same category. It was then I was to believe that yes these things do happen, and I am not the only one. It is the creepiest thing sometimes, but at the same time it is cool. When you talk to people who do not get these experiences you sound crazy, but when you do its like "OMG YOU TOO?!"
I think it is very interesting. Some people believe, and some don't. What I do want to say to my brother and my cousin is thank you for guiding me. I never should have doubted you two, and I love you very much. I wish you were still here in person so I could have seen you physically. You are truly my Guardian Angels.
The supernatural and the paranormal isnt a bad thing. You are west indian and rican, supernatural to us is like everyday life mi amor. They help us, and tell us things. They dont mean to scare us although smoe spirits do like causing harm. I feel them all the time, I know you remember me blogging about it during October. Anywho, youre not cerazy just a little abnormal. :-P
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