Saturday, January 23, 2010

I am a Venter

I use my blogspot mainly to vent. People take it the wrong way and think I am trying to malicious towards them, but I am really not. I use this space to pour my raw emotions so I can rid them in a safe way and I do not cause physical harm to myself. I have tried regular journals, but I am never really good at using them so this is what I use. I do have a private blog, but I tend to use this one better. I do post my blogs on twitter because I do want people to see what I write, but I am also seeking advice. Every now again I do write a blog about random things, but it is mainly about my emotions that I feel at that present time. Just because I write a blog and you just happen to fit the description of the blog does not mean that I am trying to disrespect you or make you sound like a bad person in any manner. I was probably most likely upset at the time and I wrote in my blog because it was the closet thing to me where I can lay out my emotions. I do not appreciate people seeing my blogs and then crying about what I said about them. If you truly have an issue about a blog that I have written you call me or you arrange a meeting spot we can meet up and we can talk about like adults. I know people say that putting my business out there on twitter and on here is the childish thing to do, but to be honest it is the best thing for me. I rather rant on here and or twitter than go and hurt someone physically. Now the person who I have been blogging about, yes I am making it obvious now because I am THAT ANGRY, texted me this morning about the stuff I have placed on twitter and what I have done on here. Yesterday on twitter I was not angry I was just emotionally confused... what I placed on here I was upset with him at the time and I vented on my blogger. I would like you guys to know after I placed those blogs up we cleared things up and we were on an okay note. Now he saw all the blogs and basically complained about what I said about him and now he is saying that his feelings has changed for me. All I want to be known is I was just upset when I wrote those blogs. I simply poured my feelings on here because its a good release skill for me and it works. I still liked you because those bad qualities were out-shined by the good. But seriously grow the HELL UP. I may post shit on here, but I am still willing to say what I gotta say to you and explain myself. I am not like you where you just send mad text messages and expect to cut off whatever you felt for me in that instant. Things do not happen that way and you clearly need to man up. Yeah you aren't for me right now because clearly you have some growing up to do and you are simply not up to my maturity level yet. I know I am not all that mature myself either, but when I have a problem or an issue with someone I try combatting it by talking to them. Talking clears up everything. If you are the man you said you are then you will take some days to think about it and then you will contact me. If you aren't the man you say you are you should just cut me off, do things with your ex, and then come back to me when shit hits the fan. I am willing to be your friend and talk things out, but if you want to shut off every bit of feeling you have towards me even friendship it just clearly shows that YOU have some growing to do.


AngeliStarr said...

*applause* now let him go chile!

Anonymous said...

well well lady, i'm sorry you're going through this crap. I suggest u just cut him off completely, not even give him the benefit of the doubt of being his friend. when u see him at another event (if he even shows up) you can just go about ur life. It's just that some people don't know how to act mature so you should just disassociate yourself from them. You'll feel better in the end.


I commend you for this but now its time to apply that wall for this dushe bag