Friday, January 22, 2010

My not so tender love story

During my first year of college I began to become more aware of astrology. Before this I was aware that I am a Taurus because my birthday in May. My former best friend was really good at astrology and because of this she sparked my interested in astrology. I used to read her books about astrology and descriptions of my birthdate. I do fit most of the descriptions of my sign. When I broke up with my most recent ex in September I remember just buying books in Barnes & Nobles on my credit card just to distract myself from the pain I had. One book I picked up was a small tiny book about Taurus. Within this small tiny book, you can fit it in any pocketbook it is so tiny, it describes the Taurus' personna, tendencies, and how they are in love. The book also broke down on how Taurus would be in intimate relationships with other signs. Reading from my former best friend's books it said my best match was a Virgo. This book said the same.

Now the situation with one of my friends, well is he my friend right now? I don't even know, made me refer to my book as soon as I found he was a Virgo. My long fingers scrambled through the tiny book's pages for the comparasions with my sign with a Virgo. I found it within seconds and there its read as
Taurus with Virgo
Harmonious in the extreme- A very tender love story.

I read it I was hm this may be a good thing. I will finally get my break after having a rough year and half. Not so. Whatever this story between my friend and I is everything but a tender love story. Ever since he told me about his ex every time I talk to him on the phone it seems I am crying about he just left me for seconds. He always brings up that I was second to my guy best friend, who I am not even friends with at this point, and I was basically second. It is true I did have him second. I didn't expect to like him , and I didn't want to like him, but I ended up doing so and it is leaving more miserable. I am miserable because he is giving her a second chance. That second chance leaves even our friendship on the line. If she is the jealous person he told me she was I know tonight will be last time I talk to him for a very long time. I started back class yesterday and as my friends asked me about how was my vacation I felt so happy explaining about him. I showed them his picture on my BlackBerry, I explained what things he has done to me, the nice things he said to me, how he took me home all the time. I told him all about that last night as I am sobbing my eyes out and coughing from the combination of crying and catching a cold. Before I went to sleep I read him that very same description and he was like I can make it a tender love story because I said with an attitude this does not sound like a love story its a love story my ass. Him saying that just caused me to snap back, but you aren't because you are going to go back with her and its just going to work out because that is how my luck works out. So tender love story. Not so. It doesn't seem like that right now, and it seems not ever. It just looks like I have to settle for whatever I get from now on. My heart tells me to wait and it is said that you should listen to you heart. I am starting to second guess that thought because it seems like I am going to hurt myself waiting, but good things come to those who wait. Love stories aren't tender. They are full of bitchassness. Just pure bitchassness.


Anonymous said...

Settle for nothing...You are young and beautiful,your match is out there maybe closer than you think...

Stephanie Faris said...

I don't really believe in astrology but I once dated someone whose sign it was said was COMPLETELY incompatible with mine...and all the reasons were right. And, interestingly, everyone I ever met or dated who fell under that sign was all wrong for me for those very reasons. So there may be something to it...

Anonymous said...

I find your ability to be open to love incredible :) I think you'll be great no matter what.

AngeliStarr said...

I do think that astrological signs have something to do with our relationships but not all of them. As for this kid, I agree with Gingey. You just need to listen!