Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What I have been told

I have been told many a things.  I have been told that I look like I am ready to commit suicide with the style of some of my blogs and my tweets. What people don't realize I hold a lot of my true emotions in. They come out on my twitter or my blogspot because they are venting space. Now what do you rather? Me jumping off a bridge, or me sounding type emo online.? I know I am a dramatist and I make things worst than what it is, but its just how I am. Now if you have a problem with it then unfollow me or don't read my blogs.

Men. The anguish they give me.

People who are close to me know that I am always complaining or whining about men all the time. Everyone has their opinions about men. What is my opinion you may ask? All men are the same. They all think the same, and act the same. They are selfish and only thinks about themselves. I know that they all aren't the same, but the men I have been dealing with have fed into my opinion. Many have said to me to change the type of men that I look into. I have tried. Trust me I have, but somehow I always end up in the same trap. My resentment for men has gotten so bad nowadays that last week I continually cursed all my male friends, and took a trip up to Westchester where I walked through a couple towns via the Bronx. My best friend thinks I have a build up of resentment because I am not fully over my ex. I still to this day wear the chain he got me from Ireland one year ago this summer. My soror sister told me to get rid of it when we were hanging out Saturday, but I cannot part with the chain yet. The only time I take it off is if I am going some where fancy, or I am going to the hairdresser. Everyone who knows me or have seen me in pictures knows how the chain looks like. My ex fed into my opinion this weekend. He drunks texts me saying how he misses me, and the next day when I offered to hang out he refuses to hang out with me thinking it is best. My sis thinks he upset at himself for breaking up with me, but honestly he could have stayed with me because I remember begging to work it out with him. At my young age of 21 I am constantly either either very ecstatic when it comes to men or depressed to the point I just wanna walk very far as far as I can. I know I am young and I have virtually a lot of my life left in front of me, but I seriously feel pressured by my family. Right now as much as I envision myself in a wedding dress and the whole nine yards I feel honestly that isn't going happen.