Sunday, August 15, 2010

Too much red meat... bad for you?

I have noticed right before I start menstruation these past few months I have had the craving for burgers. The last time I had a physical done I did have blood work done and it showed that I am not anemic. I did learn that when a person has such a craving for meat like I do it is because the body is probably low on iron. I did try iron pills, but nothing is as good a juicy burger.. well done of course. There are the studies that say that too much red meat is not good for you. Well too much of anything is not good for you. My thing is if I only have these indulgence once every month is it still bad for me?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Little Patty Cakes is growing up *part 1*

Here is my last summer of undergrad. I cannot believe it. I remembered talking about college when I was younger, and now I am almost finished. This year is gonna be crazy and I already feel it. Its only August! I always knew I would make it this far in life, but I cannot believe that it happened so quick. I am truly excited to finally get my degree, but at the same time I am not ready for the "grown up" things.