Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Story of the Unhappy Girl

Alyssa was the girl's name. She had everything a girl can want- best friends who love her dearly, a wonderful boyfriend whom she adored, opportunity to attend universitity, a supportive and loving family. Yet Alyssa was still unhappy. Alyssa said she was happy to everyone, but deep inside she felt there was a hole within her heart. A hole she couldn't figure out why it existed. She searched high and low for her 100% happiness with no luck. Alyssa, or Lyssie Poo called by family and friends, decided that she would take pictures to help document her life. Alyssa would go all over New York just take shots such as the shot on the right to help herself become happy, but Lyssie Poo still was not happy. See she suffered a lost. She lost a real close friend due to differences, and it hurt her heart deeply. Alyssa never got over the pain. Her best friends would tell her that to get over it and that person isn't important. Just move on. Alyssa couldn't do it. Easier said than done she thought. So Lyssie Poo pushed on with the photography because it was theraputic for her. She also danced and listened to music until one day she noticed something. The lightbulb finally clicked on in her brain. Why should she be unhappy? She has everything she ever needed and wanted all along. She has her crazy and loving two best friends, an awesome group of friends, an amazing boyfriend, and of course family. Alyssa wasn't unhappy any longer and decided to embrace life the way it was given to her. The unhappy girl turned into the joyous young woman, and led a great life. One thing she did learn was if people really care for you as they say they do the will show it. The people that don't or don't show it well are phony and shouldn't be trusted.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Letter Writting... May be sent to recpipient

This is a letter. I may send or I may not send it out. Post comments and tell me if its good or not. I need opinions
I may not have anger issues, or may not need anger management. I fight for what right and what I think is best. You may not agree with it, but everyone knows its best. You may not think its right, but you are controlling your destiny. Being a wholesome person isn't easy, but I try. I went above and beyond to be the best and perfect friend I can be. I feel like that has been shot to hell. I don't understand because my other best friends say I am such a terrific person and others can't see that. All they see is the violent outbursts and the yelling I have done. I am tired of pretending that I am such a perfect person when I know fully I am not. No one is. Why should I be the scapegoat when everyone has faults. I tried protecting you from all of this, but of course being hard headed didn't help. I have spent countless nights trying to figure out is this karma trying to bite me in the ass for all the wrongs that I have done in my life? Where did I go wrong like honestly? Tell me what I did wrong? I sit here thinking maybe I need psychiatric help because I do indeed have issues such as anger. Last week I proved to myself that I do not need it. I controlled my anger, and I didn't have any outbursts. I know yay me! All what has happened shouldn't have happened, but it did. People say things happens for a reason. That God has a plan for everyone. I think sometimes this happened because He was trying to show me that I shouldn't bend over backwards for certain people because they don't really truly appreciate it. They say they do but do they really? Or maybe this was Him trying to tell me you can't fix everything that needs to be fixed. Or maybe that I truly have problems. I really don't know. Well whatever it is I hope you see that I have calmed down, and I am ready to talk. Not contacting helps either but its whatever. Hope life is great for you cause I know mine is for the most part.