Monday, February 15, 2010

I definitely need a car

So I have my permit. I had my permit since I was 18 years old. I am nearly 21 and I STILL don't have my license. Although I do live in the Big Apple, my neck of the woods sucks with it comes to public transport. All we have is one subway, one commuter train, and then some buses that do not run all night. Some of you may be asking why are you complaining? You have something! But you guys do not understand. It always takes long to get home when I am out in Brooklyn. I am ALWAYS in Brooklyn. All my friends are there and I go to school there. I rather prefer to live in Brooklyn, but right now I don't have that choice because I am an unemployed broke college student. Granted I graduate next year so I do not have more to go, but before the summer of 2010 is over I need my license. It would be so much  better for me. I can go home when I want, and I wouldn't have to beg people for rides... which by the way.... I hate doing.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Yes asking for rides suck! Big time! And you live in the boondocks so you have lots to complain about.

Hopefully you do get to get your license soon. At least even if you don't get a car -- get your license. Best decision you can make.