Sunday, October 18, 2009

Approximately One Month Later

Its almost a month later. I have been doing a lot better. I have been scoping out people, and have been doing the dating thing a little. I see him in school everyday, and we talk so that does ease my woes. I haven't cried in about 2 weeks. I have finally learned to accept what has happened. Yes I still have days where I miss him like crazy- like today. My eyes filled with tears as I watch Degrassi as I am relaxing before my study sessions. The character Johnny Di Marco reminded me so much of him, and I miss him right now. I will go through this occasionally and then it goes away. There was a day last week when I was talking to him, and I was so tempted to hug him but I didn't. I know one day I will have a hug from him, but I think now its too soon. I am glad I am doing better and I am excited for my small dates and hangouts I will be having pretty soon :)


Sue said...


Angie said...

I am glad you are doing better too! As you know, with time it gets better and you always get STRONGER!

Barby Bea said...

Hang in there! I feel u.