Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ask me if I give a ___ ? Apparently I do....

I am an avid tweeter (you know a person who uses twitter.) Everyday twitter has a trending topic on the sidebar that many of its uses tweets about. They take that trending topic and insert it into their tweet. For example one of the trending topics (which is the reason why I am writting this blog) is #askmeifIgiveafuck. A person who tweets using this trending topic will make a tweet like this:
#askmeifIgiveafuck about you.

So am I referring to you may ask? It would be my former best friend. Last year at this time I was still friends with her. I would have been at the time probably up talking to her on aim about a random conversation because that we two girls did. We always told each other we loved each other and we are sister and and friends forever. You know like when you are five years old in kindergarten and your best friend is the whole entire class. I met her my freshman year of college, and she was the white version of me, or so I would thought. It was around this time last year which began the beginning of the demise of our friendship. It was around this time last year I am remembering now is when her now boyfriend was constantly bugging me to get a date with her. This point last year truth be told is when my life began to enter the hell I am now trying to get out of now. Now this girl has done so much BAD for me. I have been told she is toxic and she needs to be cut off, but of course hippie who loves EVERYONE tried to keep her in my life. I fought so hard to make things right after our altercation. Everything was almost as where it was, but since she had her man in her life, who basically took over her life, I was just a little rag doll left in the cold. As year rolled on things got really bad and came to where we are no longer friends. So ask me if I give a fuck about you. My answer is yes. I loved that girl like she was my blood sister. I even admit I treated her better than my dear best friend madame Angeli Starr Martinez. I gave her my love, time, and effort to make sure I was the bestest friend she ever can have. I woke her up in the morning, I made sure she had her work, I even got her the MAN. I did so much for her, and for her to end our friendship by calling the cops on me and say that I did things that I never did is a slap to my face. Do I still give a fuck about her... YES. I still love her with all my heart. Every now and again I still ask people if she alright. This is the year where I begin to put a stop to useless loves like I have for her, but I don't know there is something in me that is not letting go. There is something inside of me that continues to say wait to do not give up. I just don't know why though. So ask me if I give a fuck about her. I say yes. She was my best friend and I have undying love. I know yippie go me... not!


AngeliStarr said...

Im sorry. I read this and burst out laughing.


A post about her? really? really, my dude? omg i should curse u out on BBM and I WONT!

ay.*throws towel, exit stage*

Skinnie Minnie said...

LMFAO!!! I know she doesn't deserve one, but I am ridding my last whatever I have for her.

Stephanie Faris said...

Sadly, sometimes in life we have to let people go...or consider it a blessing when they let us go. TRUE friends will be with us through thick and thin...unfortunately, it's SO hard to find true friends in this world.