Thursday, July 30, 2009

Patching things up? or Just letting them rock?

I started to write this blog as this:

Yes this situation is now at rock bottom. There has been no communication between the girls, who are close to each other, and her. We all have tried our best to communicate with her and, no response. One of my girls sent a THREE PAGE LETTER

Things has happened within the past few days that has made me not continue one with blog in that tone.
I wrote on her wall on fb concerning chorus since I am president this year and she was the last president. I didn't think she was going to answer, but she did. We started out having a little convo of some sorts. The convo ended with "text me tomorrow. " I explained I don't have her number anymore. I remembered it though and sent her a text. She answered again. I was in so much shock I sent back one saying "Is this the right number because I got an answer." We texted back and forth for a lil. I told her that I can forgive her, but I can never forget. That I don't know if I can ever be close to her again. I really don't. Its gonna take some time for me to heal, and be alright. I have started on the process already. I think telling her I forgive her started me on that path. Well I'll try build back a friendship. She said she said has been inconsistant her whole life. I guess its up to me to take it as it is right, but I think there is so much I can take. I plan to talk to her again. Maybe face to face. I think I will get more answers because is forced to say it. Say it to my face. That is all I want.

1 comment:

AngeliStarr said...

Be careful. Be aware of the situation. Dont put yourself in a position that youll regret later. Thats all Im going to say.